
26 November 2015

Writing a book ...

It's always refreshing and motivating when you talk with someone who is positive. I've had a relieving teacher in my classroom for the last two days while I do report writing, his name is Dean Schneider. He is extremely enthusiastic about everything, particularly the environment. We got chatting and I was telling him about our plans to live on the road at the end of next year. He became super excited, and then I discovered we had lots in common. Dean loves photography and has written a couple of books, of course I drilled him for information. I am so keen to develop my photography skills. Hopefully there will be a photoshop course I can take. Chatting with Dean, has re-ignited my desire to write a book for children. I've always wanted to write a book, and I think with this new lifestyle we are planning to do, I could use the book as another slant to relief teaching.

Here's the photo of the book that Dean wrote. Lucky me, he gave me a copy!

First attempt at trying to add my name to a photo using 'Photoshop'.

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