
16 May 2016

Sold the Fridge

You may remember in a previous post that we decided to change our fridge to a smaller and more economical one. We advertised the fridge on Trademe and within a couple of days it was bought by a lady named 'Chrissie' in Taranaki. It was arranged for us to store it in our garage until she came to collect it when she was in the South Island on holiday.

One evening just on dusk we got a text from Chrissie to say she would be around in 20 minutes to collect it. She assured us she had enough room on the back of her house truck to put it so it could be transported to the North Island. As our house is down a long narrow drive Chrissie parked her house truck on the road. It was an older truck and without power steering it would have been almost impossible to manoeuvre it.

Fortunately Chrissie had her daughter's partner with her as the fridge is incredibly heavy! Between the four of us we staggered and stumbled up the drive, having to stop every ten feet or so to gain a better grip. Eventually we made it to the road, and with someone stopping traffic we got it to the house-truck.

Bernie was dubious as to whether it would fit through the door but Chrissie assured us she had googled it's measurements and measured and re-measured everything. It would be a tight squeeze but it would (in theory) fit!

Ha! Famous last words. No it didn't fit. Even though we altered angles, removed rugs, and furniture and tried in all directions. So the next step was to remove the thin wooden edging on the inside of the door as this would give us the few extra millimetres we were just short of. By this time it was pitch black, no street lights and the moon was behind clouds. So Bernie carefully removed the edging under torch light. Once that was removed we tried again. And again we were short by fractions of a millimetre. 

Not wanting to call it quits we decided to remove the truck door and hopefully gain those precious millimetres without the door hinges. The thought of carrying that heavy beast back down the drive in the darkness, while trying to avoid potholes was making us more determined.

When the door was removed, we gave it a big heave ho.....and even that failed! After removing one of the freezer doors and then realising the actual fridge doors couldn't be removed, we eventually admitted defeat!

So, back down the drive we all went. And, again the fridge is securely stored in the garage, now waiting for Mainland Freight to collect it. I'm sure they'll have better luck!

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