
17 October 2021

Affordable Real Estate - May Have the Odd Leak!

Traveling about and finding new beaches is one of my favourite past-times. Not only do the dogs love exploring new coastlines, but it also gives me an opportunity to hopefully come across a driftwood hut or tepee.

I'm fascinated with them!

Imagine the fun and hard work that would go into making a hut. The lean-to below was found on the shore of Lake Wanaka at Boundary Creek Camp. The lakeshore was smothered in driftwood of all shapes and sizes, which must have helped when making it. And wow - it had million-dollar views!

I love that these driftwood creations seem to be popping up everywhere. Once when I stopped at Kekerengu (north of Kaikoura), there were several driftwood tepees along the beachfront. It looked like a little tepee village.

Not so long ago, in 2016, some overseas tourists built a pretty impressive driftwood hut on Tahuna Beach. They used driftwood and shells collected from the beach and after about three days an amazing rustic cabin appeared. It attracted a lot of interest. Now, you probably won't believe this, but ... the Nelson City Council said it didn't meet council building requirements for a temporary structure, and taped it off, making it off-limits to the public! However, many locals complained, accusing the council of being PC crazy. Then less than 24 hours later, the council reconsidered their decision and the fence was removed. 
It was the tide that eventually took the hut away (just as the tourists who'd built it, had hoped it would).

Below are a few driftwood creations found on Rarangi Beach. They'd make great shelters on a windy day, although a little drafty, me thinks!  😏

Views over Cloudy Bay

1 comment:

  1. What fabulous constructions. Would love to catch up with some of you girls on some such beaches. I'm from Cambridge and own a Mercedes Sprinter. My daughter came back from Oregon last year to do a 7 week trip round the amazing South Island with me.


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